Friday, November 11, 2016

Please Read

After some thinking over the past few months… I have decided that Why I Knit will not be returning at all. There was some debate on weather I was going to come back, but honestly while I still like knitting I haven’t done a project in a while. So I really need to get back into it. Also while the health problems in my family are no longer around (thank goodness), my time management skills are not the best.

Please don’t be upset that WIK is now finish… will I be back with a new podcast in the future?
At this moment, prob not, but that could all change in a year or two. Thank you so much for your loyal viewship, all the episodes will remain available on YouTube.


Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Update video

Here is a quick little update video on WIK

There will be a longer one next week.

Tuesday, June 7, 2016

When am I returning?

I know it's been almost 3 months since I posted something. Unfortunately I've been in a bit of a knitting lull. It sucks because I have so much to do. However I just haven't felt like knitting. In addition some family health problems have popped up (nothing bad, but something that I prefer not to talk about at this moment) that need to be attended to first. Plus I'm planning to do some traveling this summer.

For that reason, Why I Knit will be returning in August. When exactly? I'm not sure yet, but we just need to get thorough these issues and then we will be okay. Thank you for your understanding.

Saturday, April 9, 2016

Video coming soon

Hey guys! Please watch this announcement for when the podcast will be returning.

Thursday, March 10, 2016

Mini Hiatus

Hey guys, the podcast is officially on a mini hiatus until April. There are few reasons why:

1. I haven't been knitting as much as I have liked.

2. I've been doing more painting which I find just as relaxing and honestly a little bit easier on the wrists (note I haven't had wrist problems so don't worry).

3. A minor family emergency has popped up (something at this time that I prefer not to talk about) and have to get ready for something because of it.

See everyone in April!

Saturday, February 27, 2016

Don't worry Episode 44 is coming

I hope to record sometime this upcoming week. Just been busy with a few other things. Nothing bad though.

Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Episode 44 Preview

This will be the final episode for season 3 (with season 4 starting in March). I will be getting ready for the Whorl Challenge and talking about trying to stay focused on knitting, spinning, painting and more.